I have a blog called A Slice of Life that’s been my online home since 2014—and I’m not leaving. I’ve left Substack but you can always find me there.

I’m a writer, creative, and recovering overthinkerI thought I’d have things figured out by now, but I keep coming up with more questions. I think that’s okay. I ruminate about grace and love and faith, and do my best to wrap my mind around it all.

I am a grateful resident of my hometown in Saskatchewan, Canada, having returned after 50 years with my husband and our doted-upon Yorkshire Terrier.

I dabble with words. I’ve written two memoirs (Two Hearts: An Adoptee’s Journey Through Grief to Gratitude and The Presence of Absence: A Story About Busyness, Brokenness, and Being Beloved) and a chronicle of those “interesting” years of 2020/2021 called Living Liminal: A Slice of Pandemic Life. My work has also appeared in an assortment of publications and a few anthologies.

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Thoughts about grace, faith, and the thin places they intersect with the everyday.


I thought I'd have things figured out by now, but I keep coming up with more questions.