Why am I here?

I have a blog called A Slice of Life that’s been my online home since 2014—and I’m not leaving. So why Substack? And why now?

As I write this it’s early May 2023 and we’ve all come through a few out-of-the-ordinary years. Just when I thought life might be getting back to some semblance of stability, my husband and I moved from British Columbia to Saskatchewan—the fulfillment of a dream I’ve had since my family moved from the prairie province when I was still a kid. It’s a good change, but change nonetheless. Our granddaughter (and daughter for part of that time) has lived with us for the better part of two years. That arrangement is soon to end and will require a new set of adjustments. Oh, and did I mention that I’ve recently embraced a new (old) faith tradition?

So what’s the point? And what does any of that have to do with writing here on Substack?

The point is, I’m in transition. We all are, really, as it’s become glaringly obvious over the past few years that stability is an elusive commodity. With change comes uncertainty. Questions. And the need to ponder and poke at that which once seemed certain to see if it still stands. I work these things out by tapping out words. Here you’ll find curated and updated posts from the archives of my blog mixed with new ruminations on grace, faith, and thin places where these things touch everyday life.

Why are you here?

Maybe you’re a ruminator too. Perhaps you try to pay attention and be attuned to touches of the divine in the ordinary also. Let’s walk together for a while.

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Who am I?

I’m a writer, creative, and recovering overthinkerI thought I’d have things figured out by now, but I keep coming up with more questions. I think that’s okay. I ruminate about grace and love and faith, and do my best to wrap my mind around it all.

I am a grateful resident of my hometown in Saskatchewan, Canada, having returned after 50 years with my husband and our doted-upon Yorkshire Terrier.

I dabble with words. I’ve written two memoirs (Two Hearts: An Adoptee’s Journey Through Grief to Gratitude and The Presence of Absence: A Story About Busyness, Brokenness, and Being Beloved) and a chronicle of those “interesting” years of 2020/2021 called Living Liminal: A Slice of Pandemic Life. My work has also appeared in an assortment of publications and a few anthologies. I’m a member of the Inscribe Christian Writers’ Fellowship, Creative Nonfiction Collective Society, Saskatchewan Writer’s Guild, and a board member at Story Circle Network.

I take photos and enjoy getting up close and personal with flowers and nature and the prairie. My goal is to direct the eye first to the Creator, and then to the created. I play with acrylic and watercolour paint. My garden is my happy place—it feeds both my body and soul to dig in the dirt. There is so much you can learn in a garden. Plus, you get vegetables.

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Thoughts about grace, faith, and the thin places they intersect with the everyday.


I thought I'd have things figured out by now, but I keep coming up with more questions.